metaboData - Example Metabolomics Data Sets
Data sets from a variety of biological sample matrices, analysed using a number of mass spectrometry based metabolomic analytical techniques. The example data sets are stored remotely using GitHub releases <> which can be accessed from R using the package. The package also includes the 'abr1' FIE-MS data set from the 'FIEmspro' package <> <doi:10.1038/nprot.2007.511>.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.72 score 1 stars 104 scripts 226 downloadsforestControl - Approximate False Positive Rate Control in Selection Frequency for Random Forest
Approximate false positive rate control in selection frequency for random forest using the methods described by Ender Konukoglu and Melanie Ganz (2014) <arXiv:1410.2838>. Methods for calculating the selection frequency threshold at false positive rates and selection frequency false positive rate feature selection.
Last updated 3 years ago
4.00 score 2 stars 7 scripts 206 downloads